Bo Knapheide (left) and his father, Knap Knapheide, take in the 2017 Work Truck Show in Indianapolis
Harold W. “Bo” Knapheide IV is the new president and chief executive officer of service truck maker The Knapheide Manufacturing Company.
He becomes the sixth generation to lead the family-owned company, noted an announcement this September on the Knapheide website.
“I am proud to continue my family’s history leading our company forward,” Bo Knapheide said in the posting. “I am confident and excited for what our team can accomplish and also for what the future holds.”
He succeeds his father, Harold W. (Knap) Knapheide III, at the helm of family operation, which has been headquartered in Quincy, Illinois since its founding in 1848.
German immigrant Herman Heinrich Knapheide established the company as a wagon-building enterprise more than a decade before the Civil War and about half a century before the invention of the automobile. Today, Knapheide’s many product lines include service bodies, mechanics trucks, enclosed utility bodies, and lube trucks.
Bo Knapheide “began working at an early age to learn the family business,” notes his biography on the Knapheide website. He previously worked in production, shipping, sales, and marketing, most recently as the senior vice-president of distributor and fleet operations.
For more information about Knapheide, visit